If you have yet to visit the Getty Villa, make your way there SOON!
To get advanced free tickets I recommend you go
To get more information.

If you plan to visit Getty Villa, and The Getty
 at the same day....
Remember you pay once, and you can park twice on the same day!
Don't forget to get your ticket stamp on the first museum in the information desk.
Parking is $15 dollars.
 I suggest to arrive to the first museum early because it does take all day two visit this two wonderful places and besides their 30 minutes away from each other..
We ended up just seeing one and we still did not see the whole Getty Villa.
Hopefully soon we can head out to The Getty Villa and The Getty to get the full experience <3
Stay tune for our next adventures..

Remember.. To live life to the fullest!

Add us on our instragram: maycrazylifestyle
